Customer Care

This course is for all personnel who deal with their customers in-person or on the telephone. This course concentrates on key service principles and will develop vital face-to-face customer handling skills. It will help delegates communicate more effectively with their customers – improving their image, professionalism and customer relationships.


A mixture of input and discussions makes this a lively and motivating event.

A workshop atmosphere is encouraged with all delegates contributing ideas for discussion. Delegates will undertake self-assessment and have an opportunity to practise new skills and techniques within a supportive environment.


Who will the course benefit?


Anyone who communicates face-to-face with internal or external customers.


Course Objectives


To provide the necessary skills to give excellent customer service.


Course Duration: 2 days


This course will enable delegates to:


  • Understand the meaning and importance of customer service


  • Understand the basis of effective customer communication


  • Use a range of communications skills that will satisfy customers


  • Deal more effectively with angry and difficult customers


  • Develop knowledge of known service concepts


  • Handle complaints


  • Understand and demonstrate transactional analysis


  • Develop in depth interpersonal skills


  • Understand that first impressions count


  • Develop a personal action plan



Full Course Description:

Customer Care.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [319.0 KB]

Contact us

Advocate Training & Consultancy
Fern House The Street Little Totham
Fern House, The Street
Maldon, Essex CM9 8JQ
Phone: 01621 892800 01621 892800
E-mail address:
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