Meetings Workshop

It is important within business to use time effectively; this is especially true whilst conducting meetings. They need to be planned, prepared and run in a productive manner so that both the participants and the organisation gain from the time spent attending. Meetings are vital for management and communication, properly run meetings save time, increase motivation, productivity, and solve problems. It has been proven that meetings are one of the most effective communication tools. 


If you run meetings effectively and they will repay the cost many times over. However they need to done properly, badly run meetings waste time, money, resources, and are worse than having no meetings at all. This workshop is designed to enable you to maximise the performance of your meetings. It will equip you with the necessary knowledge, skills, techniques and behaviours to be truly effective in running a meeting.


Who will the course benefit?


Anyone who has to prepare, conduct or participate in meetings.


Course Objectives:


To provide the skills and techniques to run meetings effectively.


Course Duration: 1 day


This course will enable delegates to:


  • Apply an approach process to the planning and preparation
  • Create an agenda
  • Conduct and control of meetings
  • Increase their levels of confidence
  • Apply and use a range of tools and techniques applicable to different  situations
  • Be able analyse and handle different behaviour during a facilitation
  • Record group contributions for a purpose.
  • Manage time effectively


Full Course Description:

meetings workshop.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [226.4 KB]

Contact us

Advocate Training & Consultancy
Fern House The Street Little Totham
Fern House, The Street
Maldon, Essex CM9 8JQ
Phone: 01621 892800 01621 892800
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