An individual can work effectively on their own, but for them to truly realise their potential it is better to work in a team environment. A team can produce more, make better decisions, improve communication and relationships, handle problems and generally create a better more social working environment.
This workshop will demonstrate good communication practice and how to resolve difficulties in a team situation. It will develop the skills of the individual so that the group becomes a better performing team. The way we relate to each other, dictates the degree of success a team can achieve. Improving the quality of these relationships is where Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) has immediate and long lasting impact.
As part of the workshop, participants will complete the Strength Deployment Inventory to identify their personal strengths and characteristics. This will identify how they work with others and what happens to their behaviour when things become more difficult.
The Strength Deployment Inventory is a learning resource that has been proved to be effective in building strong relationships worldwide for more than 25 years. It enables everyone to understand the reason why people do things rather than just observe and react to what is done.
SDI identifies for individuals their personal strengths and motivations and how these relate to those of their colleagues – whether things are going well or badly. It demonstrates how to use these strengths effectively to improve working or personal relationships with others. SDI is an inventory, which provides invaluable information on what motivates a person under two conditions; when everything is going well and when you are faced with conflict or opposition.
This is vital information because it means we can understand why certain people have the impact on us they do and how we may be impacting on them! Furthermore, we learn how to recognise the real issues in relationships and how to tailor our language accordingly to communicate in more flexible and effective ways.
Recognising and dealing with inter-personal conflict is a crucial element in all relationships but especially within teams. The SDI provides insights into how to recognise the first signs of conflict in others and shows how to respond appropriately to resolve the dispute before it gets out of hand or unwittingly causes further antagonism. Participants learn to recognise the different strengths others can bring to the job as well as how they can help each other. They learn to appreciate key issues of concern that people with other styles bring to task and assignments.
Who will the workshop benefit?
Anyone who has to work in a team environment and wants to learn how to adapt behavior and communication.
Workshop Objectives
To increase the performance of the team.
Workshop Duration: up to 1 day
This workshop will enable delegates to:
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