Have you ever considered why your employees go to work, why they choose to do the job they do and why they choose to stay with you? In most cases employers and managers tend not to think too much about this issue, they are content in the knowledge that their employees are meeting their objectives and getting their jobs done. However, if you knew that production would increase and so would you profits simply by identifying your employees motivational needs and acting upon them, you may come to realise how motivation is critical to your team.
Identifying what motivates you personally and recognising what motivates their team members. How to motivate individuals and whether their current incentives and motivators are being effective.
This intensive workshop will give Managers, an opportunity to develop their knowledge and the skills required to motivate and manage their team. It captures the key criteria that impact on their team, gaining insight into what drivers are in place and how to implement the right drivers.
Who will the course benefit?
All Managers who want to enhance their management skills by understanding the impact of motivation and the motivational climate.
Course Objectives: To improve work place motivation.
Course Duration: 1 day
This course will enable delegates to:
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