Stress Management

Stress and pressure can affect personal relationships, work performance and health. As levels of stress rise it is important to understand how we manage the situation. A certain amount of stress is a good thing, it is important that we recognise when are personal stress levels are beginning to be exceeded. We can also help our colleagues if we can identify their symptoms of stress and help them in these situations. Over a long period of time stress can be a major concern and it will be extremely detrimental to our health and well being. However once stress is correctly identified it can be positively channelled to aid work and play.


Who will the course benefit?


All staff who feel that they are in a stressful environment and need to learn the positive techniques of stress management.


Course Objectives:


To explain various factors that can contribute to stress. To provide coping strategies that help alleviate and manage the effects of stress. To use pressure in an effective manner.


Course Duration: 1 day


This course will enable delegates to:


  • Be aware of the factors that cause stress
  • Analyse their own stress levels and personal reactions to both long and short term pressures
  • Provide strategies to use pressure effectively
  • Understand their personal characteristics and ‘drivers’.
  • Handle stress and pressure
  • Evaluate options for solving stress problems.
  • Develop a personal action plan


Full Course Description:


Contact us

Advocate Training & Consultancy
Fern House The Street Little Totham
Fern House, The Street
Maldon, Essex CM9 8JQ
Phone: 01621 892800 01621 892800
E-mail address:
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