Influencing and Persuasion Skills

As a professional it is extremely important to know how to influence and persuade others. We often have to influence the thinking and behaviour of others, and persuade them to our way of thinking, especially when you have to put across ideas. All professionals need to communicate confidently and build relationships. This is especially true when you come under pressure; you need to remain assertive and to ensure that your message remains effective.


No matter what position we hold, it is useful to understand the power of influencing. Even Managers are not finding it sufficient to rely on their position or status for the basis for gaining commitment. The development of individual influencing and persuasion skills are essential for results. Effective influencing over time means that productive relationships are developed and maintained.


This programme is designed to enable you to be more confident, influential and persuasive at work, through recognising the link between their communication skills and the impact they can achieve. It will enable staff to work more effectively with colleagues, other departments and customers, or external organisations.


Who will the course benefit?


Individuals whose success is dependent on successfully influencing others.


Course Objectives:


To equip staff with a range of options and skills when seeking to influence others.


Course Duration: 2 days


This course will enable delegates to:


  • Identify the key behaviours when seeking to influence others
  • Explore and practice the range of positive influencing behaviours
  • Select behaviours appropriate to individuals and situations
  • Communicate more effectively and persuasively, to gain commitment to their ideas, projects and change initiatives
  • Utilise the unproductive energy loss associated with stressful relationships
  • Constructively influence others toward a positive outcome for both parties
  • Build trust and productive relationships, individually and within a team
  • Explain complicated ideas in a manner which aids understanding and increases the likelihood of success
  • Use enhanced persuasion skills to act as an opinion shaper amongst your colleagues
  • Identify your own preferred influencing style and use it to encourage people to change their behaviour willingly.


Full Course Description

Influencing and Persuasion skills.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [227.5 KB]

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Advocate Training & Consultancy
Fern House The Street Little Totham
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Phone: 01621 892800 01621 892800
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