Many people think that working life is complicated enough without being burdened with unexpected conflicts at work which invariably obstruct our best efforts and cause enduring interpersonal difficulties. This workshop, however, will encourage participants to view the subject in a new light.
Generally, the majority of our communication and relationships should run smoothly. However, there are times when we are placed in difficult situations or have to handle difficult people. This course examines the more difficult or complex people and situations and how we can address issues whilst at the same time maintaining good relationships. It gets the delegates to reflect on their own personal styles and how they work with others. It focuses on how to influence and to maintain control in a positive way.
To enable this to happen we need a range of tools and techniques that we can use to be effective. The course provides these tools. Throughout the course delegates will practice the skills taught and go away with an Action Plan, identifying how they will implement their important issues.
Who will the course benefit?
Staff members who wish to review how they deal with conflict and work place disagreements.
Course Objectives:
To provide the skills and techniques to handle conflict and disagreement and to provide resolution.
Course Duration: 2 - 3 days
This course will enable delegates to:
Full Course Description: