Managing Stress in Others

Stress can be defined as demands on physical, mental and emotional energies. Such demands can be normal or exceptional, and are experienced both at home and at work. People who consider that stress is both inevitable and helpful are partially correct. Reasonable levels of stress at work are necessary for people to perform well, while low levels of stress can lead people to become demotivated and lethargic. Excessive stress levels, however, are not acceptable, and seem to have a cumulatively harmful effect on people.


As a manager you are responsible for monitoring your own stress levels and those of the people who work for you. You should be aware of how your style of management and personal behaviour patterns could cause stress to others, or give them a poor example of stress management. Your role is central in acting as a buffer for your team, giving them support, and helping them to manage and cope with work and other life pressures


Who will the course benefit?


Managers whose teams work in a pressurised environment and are looking for ideas and actions to reduce the effects of stress on their team.


Course Objectives:


To explain various factors that can contribute to stress. To provide management strategies that help alleviate and manage the effects of stress. To use pressure in an effective manner.


Course Duration: 1 day


This course will enable delegates to:


  • Be aware of the factors that cause stress
  • Analyse their own stress levels and personal reactions to both long and short term pressures
  • Recognise the symptoms of stress in your team
  • Responding and dealing effectively to a stressed individual.
  • Provide strategies to use pressure effectively
  • Understand their personal characteristics and ‘drivers’
  • Evaluate options for solving stress problems
  • Understand the key responsibilities of both the employer and employee under current legislation
  • Learn how to deal with your teams pressure and stress effectively at work
  • Understanding the importance of preventing stress rather than dealing with the effects
  • Develop a personal action plan


Full Course Description:

Managing Stress in Others.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [316.2 KB]

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Advocate Training & Consultancy
Fern House The Street Little Totham
Fern House, The Street
Maldon, Essex CM9 8JQ
Phone: 01621 892800 01621 892800
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